Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Last week we inaugurated the new study program of ALITI, the Adult Learning Institute of
Temple Israel, called Limmud Shabbat; the Joy of Texts!

Following kiddush we stayed a bit to learn together from some Jewish texts. Would you believe that 70% of the congregation stayed after Kiddush to learn Torah together!

Since it was the trial experiment, it was a tad shorter in length, and we only learned from one text, but the interest was quite piqued.

We studied together from the Code of Jewish Law, and since Chanukah is almost here, we studied in particular the laws regarding lighting the candles. There is really alot to learn and after every sentence it seemed that someone had a question!

The nice thing about our learning is that while the study is based on Hebrew text, an English
translation is always available, and the pace is slow enough that everyone is comfortable and
there is always time to ask a question - and to even get an answer!

So come and join us each week after our delicious kiddush and stay to learn a bit after services.
It's only a taste, a little smattering, and maybe a song or two, so don't expect to stay more than an hour, okay? After all, the congregation that learns together, turns together!

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